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Open Access – routes towards universalization: gold and hybrid journals, green, and others
2018.09.28 — 11:00-12:30
Rosângela Schwarz Rodrigues – Professor, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Graduate Program in Information Science; Editorial Board Member, Portal de Periódicos UFSC 
Éric Archambault – Founder & CEO, 1science & Science-Metrix

Jason Priem – Co-founder, Impactstory 
Louise Page – Chief Innovation Officer, PLOS; Board Member, Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association; Advisory Board Member, Electrochemical Society, Free the Science

Cassidy Sugimoto – President, International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI)

Open Access is increasingly a determining part of the structures and processes of scholarly communication, particularly in the emerging open science modus operandi, which presupposes the opening of all research components. Currently, most scholarly communication instances, products and services refer to open access in some way. The bibliographic indexes started to identify open access articles. New publishers were created, most commercial publishers started to publish open access journals or offer authors the possibility to publish open access articles in subscription journals. Open access mega journals have appeared. In developing countries, open access journals predominate, with emphasis on the pioneering SciELO Program, publishing open access journals from 1998, four years before the Budapest Open Access Initiative declaration. The preprints modality with open access availability of manuscripts before evaluation and publication in journals grows and new tools appear. Several innovative models have emerged in recent years to promote open access to journal articles, such as library consortia or crowdfunding. There is still difficulty and resistance from publishers in developing financial models that enable open access, and the calculation of article processing charges (APC) remains opaque. But the main force that can make the universalization of open access viable is public policies, the best example being currently the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 program.
Before this landscape, this panel will analyze progress already achieved, the promising solutions and the persistent barriers in the routes towards the universalization of open access.
The classical open access modalities – gold route journals, green route, new models of open access financing, metrics on the status of open access, barriers to the universalization of open access, and open access policies.
How to contribute
You are invited to participate and cooperate with the SciELO 20 Years celebration with comments, testimonies, blog posts, articles, etc, related to the topic of this or other panels.
In development.
Piwowar H, Priem J, Larivière V, Alperin JP, Matthias L, Norlander B, Farley A, West J, Haustein S. (2018) The state of OA: a large-scale analysis of the prevalence and impact of Open Access articles. PeerJ, 6:e4375. Available from: https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.
Smith, Elise; Haustein, S; Mongeon, P.; Shu, F.; Ridde, V.; Lariviére, V. Knowledge sharing in global health research – the impact, uptake and cost of open access to scholarly literature. Health Research. Policy and Systems (2017) 15:73. DOI: 10.1186/s12961-017-023. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
Solomon, D., & Björk, B.-C. (2016). Article processing charges for open access publication—the situation for research intensive universities in the USA and Canada. PeerJ, 4, e2264. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.
In development.
In development.
In development.