Claudia Bauzer Medeiros
Full professor, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)
Coordinator, eScience & Data Science Programs, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)

Claudia Bauzer Medeiros is full professor, Computer Science, at U. of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil, with Brazilian and international awards for excellence in
research, teaching, and work to foster the participation of women in computing.
Her research is centered on managing scientific data. In 1994, she created Unicamp’s Laboratory of Information Systems, one of the first labs in Brazil dedicated to interdisciplinary data-intensive research. Since 1997, she has headed large multi-institutional projects in biodiversity, health, agriculture and environmental
planning, involving universities in Brazil, Germany and France.
She is a Commander of the Brazilian Order of Scientific Merit, and holds two honorary doctorates from U. Antenor Orrego, Peru, 2007, and U. Paris IX Dauphine,
France, 2015. For engaging women in IT, she earned the Google Brazil Award and the Grace Hopper Agent of Change Award.
Since 2013, she represents FAPESP in a network of agencies from 12 countries, for research in the Social Sciences and Humanities. As of 2014, she coordinates the
FAPESP eScience and Data Science research funding program, to foster data- and/or computing-intensive interdisciplinary research. In 2018, she was elected to become a member of the Council of the Research Data Alliance, an assciation of funders, scientists and practicioners with close to 6,900 members from 137 countries, who work on issues related to open data and open science.
One of the few Brazilians to become a Distinguished Speaker of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM – USA), she is a member of IEEE, SIGMOD, SIGSPATIAL and ACM-W, was Latin America ambassador to ACM-W and liaison to SIGMOD.
While President of the Brazilian Computer Society (2003-2007), she launched the first country-wide initiatives to attract women to computing, and liaised with
funding agencies to create opportunities in CS research and education. She has served as member and/or chair of permanent scientific evaluation panels in Brazil,
for CAPES, CNPq, and FAPESP.